Genie Paint - Genie Paint Image Editing Soft

Genie Paint - Genie Paint Image Editing Soft  

  By: april (0) on Aug. 4, 2024, 3:10 a.m.

app icon Genie Paint

Genie Paint Image Editing Soft

Genie Paint is an innovative image editing app designed for artists and enthusiasts alike. It provides a versatile set of tools to create and manipulate digital artwork with ease. Key features include a variety of brushes, advanced smudge tools, and precise touch interaction for a smooth painting experience. Users can draw, edit, and enhance images, with options to apply unique effects and transformations.


Re: Genie Paint - Genie Paint Image Editing Soft  

  By: gerdemb (3) on Aug. 4, 2024, 4:08 a.m.

Time Spent Testing: 30 minutes
Device: MacBook Pro
OS Version: 14.5 (23F79)

Overall Experience

Seems like a powerful graphic editing app. Not sure what makes it unique over other image editing apps. Interface is a little strange and non-standard with a custom menu bar, however this may have been because I was testing it on a MacBook and not an iPad.

List of Features Tried
  1. Opening images
  2. Drawing tools
  3. Saving images
  1. Unable to open an image with "Open File". After selecting the image, nothing happens. Import from images works correctly.
  2. Save Document menu item doesn't appear to work. "Save Document As" does work.
  3. Some of the tools don't appear to do anything (the two circle tools and eraser for example)
  1. I can't see what tool I have selected
  2. The style and coloring of the tool icons is inconsistent. Some icons are colored and some are black and white and they all have different "styles".
Other Comments

Good luck with your app!

Re: Genie Paint - Genie Paint Image Editing Soft  

  By: april (0) on Aug. 5, 2024, 11:16 a.m.

Thank you for your feed back. Yes there are issues trying to use it on Mac which is why in future builds mac will no longer be supported.
This is primarily an iPad app and many of the bugs you mention have been corrected now in the current build which also changes the name of the app from Genie Paint to Genie Photo.
Thank you for your review.